Favorite Friday


It's Friday and that makes me happy. Especially this Friday. See, Mr. X works a lot. I mean A LOT. He leaves for work at 5:30 am and doesn't come home until about 3:00pm. This happens 12 days in a row. Then he is off for 2 days only to begin this horrible cycle all over again! Well today is day 12. That means that Mr. X will be home all weekend!!!! This is especially cool for baby X. Every morning when she wakes up I bring her back to our bed to sorta chill before we start our day. The weekends Mr. X is home is so fun because she loves to see her daddy in our bed in the mornings. She will pat his back saying"DADADADADADADADA" until he turns over. So yay for our day 12 Friday!

I also want to join in on a Favorite Friday post (my first), so here I go:

Favorite Fridays

The topic is Favorite Comedy TV show and while I do LOVE Modern Family, my favorite TV show is American Idol.

This may not seem like a comedy at first glance, but to me (and Mr. X) it is! Mr. X and I watch American Idol religiously. This tradition stated when we first started dating. I honestly think it was only because it gave us something to talk about. I had always been a 'Top 5 American Idol' viewer, but I had never really been interested in the junk that happens before the top 5. Mr. X's mom (MIL in the future) always watched every episode of American Idol so Mr. X was very familiar with it. Once we started living together, Idol just became a natural part of our evenings. Now it is something I look forward to every season. I know Mr. X will always watch with me. This season, it has become a comedic performance for us. It was bad enough not having Paula around, but including Ellen???? Come On!! Now we just watch for the laughs... Ellen is pretty funny. We also like to name who is going to be the top 2 and who we think is going to get voted off every week. It is like a game for us. A comedy that we love!

Well I survived my first Friday Favorite post. I wonder what happens in blogger world on Saturdays?? Actually, I wont know-- Mr. X is home this weekend. :)